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Add Your PerspectiveWe have set up a Wiki web site so that you can provide your perspective on the Department of Peace and Nonviolence. If you are a potential Service Recipient, please click on this link WikiCODOPN - End-User Perspective We are using the term End-Users / Service Recipients to refer to those people who will be the direct recipients of services and resources provided by the new Department. End-Users / Service Recipients include people ranging from the President to individual U.S. citizens involved in domestic / interpersonal violence. If you are a Practitioner, please click on this link WikiCODOPN - Practitioner Perspective We are using the term Practitioner to refer to those people who will be the "operators" of the new Department and be involved in its initial formation, its startup, its implementation of services, its research, its evaluation of effectiveness, and its management /administration, etc. Practitioners include people employed directly by the Department of Peace as government employees, employees of Partner Departments (e.g. DoJ, DoE,...), State and Local government agencies, as well as people in Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) who are contracted by the Department to implement local intervention programs.
If you are a potential Sponsor, please click on this link WikiCODOPN - Sponsor Perspective We are using the term Sponsor to refer to those people involved in the original formation of the new department as well as those people who will continue to support the Department politically and financially. Sponsors include voters, taxpayers, members of congress, including committee and subcommittee members that originally evaluated and amended the legislation (or believe it should be amended because it does not meet their specific needs or political objectives). Sponsors also include private funding sources (e.g. philanthropic foundations) that currently support efforts directed toward reduction of violence as well as efforts that provide opportunities for under privileged.